Published: Mar 29, 2018

5 Popular Uses of Face Recognition

and what we've learned while developing Face Recognition apps

The AI technologies, which have of late proven disruptive to a host of industries and are, gradually, making their way into our daily lives, include an amazing technology called Face Recognition.

While, currently, Face Recognition is by no means the frontrunner among the AI technologies in terms of investment or the number of IT outfits involved in the related development, its market growth prospects are looking more than rosy. According to MarketsandMarkets, the worth of the global Face Recognition market will have reached a formidable US$ 7 billion by 2024. Due to the huge and diverse demand, the technology is set to gradually become an indispensable asset or considerable boon for hundreds of millions of people and myriads of businesses regardless of their size.

Looking to Develop a Robust and Well-Performing Face Recognition App?

Although Facial Recognition technology hasn't obviously peaked yet, it has made enough headway to find a miscellany of applications. What are the more popular current uses of this technology? Can you, as a business or individual, find one for yourself and avail yourself of the opportunities Face Recognition increasingly affords? Or, perhaps, even come up with an application of your own?

Face Recognition for Access Control: the Best Lock Ever Has, Finally, Arrived

Due to what is bound to shortly become a gargantuan demand, one of the more wide-spread applications of Face Recognition will, obviously, be access control. Face Recognition systems help control access to personal devices, residences, vehicles, offices and other premises alike. With Face Recognition-controlled access in place, you can be sure that access to your personal device (and, perhaps, your banking info?) can be gained only by yourself, or someone you authorize.

Popular Uses Of Face Recognition: Using face ID for bankomates.


Just how reliable would this be? And shouldn't you put on your thinking cap if you are a manufacturer of old good lever locks?

Even if you are a celebrity of some kind and have a bunch of absolute twins who know where you live, a well-developed Face Recognition access control system can, virtually, eliminate the odds of unwarranted access to your personal device, dwelling, car, or office. No, none of your snapshots of the Web can become a security hazard in this case either.

Surprisingly, some of the more sophisticated Face Recognition algorithms are able to identify even someone who has undergone plastic surgery to change their appearance.

Attendance Tracking and Control: Finally an Upper Hand

Face Recognition can become a true scourge for those, who like to play truant regardless of the place they are supposed to attend. It becomes possible to efficiently track attendance at individual teaching events that involve hundreds of attendees.

Moreover, in addition to curbing truancy, Facial Recognition technology is, also, capable of ensuring that order is maintained wherever your teaching event is taking place.

For example, just picture your mobile device has a face recognition app installed on it. This app allows you to identify a misbehaving attendee (and soundly reprimand them later) by just pointing your mobile phone in their direction. Do you think this would help maintain order? We bet it would.

Marketing: A New Source of Direct Insights

Marketing is one of the business domains being disrupted by Artificial Intelligence the most. And it is no longer only about tracking user behavior in an eCommerce app and displaying relevant ads to them later, or text-mining the Web for insights into your target audience's preferences. Facial Recognition technology has, recently, taken the process to an entirely new level. It makes it easier not only to sell but also to buy in those instances when the buyer is poised for choice or is just not aware of all the features of several similar products.

Talking of examples, according to a.list, the well-known tour provider Expedia has now partnered with a Hawaii-based tourist agency to offer Face Recognition-recommended tour options. The Facial Recognition solution, used by the company, determines which of the Hawaii-based tourist activities, presented to the viewer on the Expedia website, resonates with them most positively.

Banking: At Long Last, What Can Be Referred to as Reliable Authorization

Battling fraud in Banking has, probably, never ceased ever since the trade was in its infancy.

Nowadays, multi-factor authentication solutions, which provide two- or, even, three-step authentication, are used to reduce the amount of the fraud that plagues banking institutions around the globe. These solutions, generally, succeed, but may sometimes affect the customer experience unfavorably.

Besides, in some contexts, for example, in the case of ATM skimming, multi-factor authentication is of no use.

As you will have, probably, guessed, a truly dependable solution can be provided by Face Recognition.

Public Security: The Arrival of a New, Powerful Tool

Some of the applications of Face Recognition are not only useful or immensely important. Their significance is also rapidly on the rise.

The above is, especially, true for an array of overlapping security-related applications of the Face Recognition technology. These applications have been rendered of paramount importance by the global need for better public security.

One of such applications is the use of Face Recognition solutions by customs offices to keep unwanted visitors out of a country and control entry into and departure from it otherwise. This is what has, actually, been done by the US Customs and Border Protection for some time now: US Customs and Border Protection Officers use a Facial Recognition technology to verify whether someone, producing a US passport, and the male or female, whose passport they are carrying, are, actually, the same person.

Similarly, provided corresponding international databases are put in place, it may shortly become possible to identify those wanted or considered to be a public menace regardless of the ID they carry, as well as to monitor their cross-border movements.

The security-related applications of Facial Recognition can be many and extremely wide-ranging.

It just happened so that one of SYTOSS's principal specialties within the area of Face Recognition is related to security too. Read more...

For quite a while now, we've been engaged in developing several Face Recognition solutions, geared largely toward access control for various premises, but not only.

Our team has, thus, had ample time and opportunity to size up the Face Detection and Recognition technology's future potential. We can confidently say that the prospects of this technology are tremendous, especially, when it comes to several public security and other security-related applications. The latter may include conference security, subway security, surveillance detection, and more.

If you think that whatever you do could be made safer or otherwise improved by harnessing the Facial Recognition technology, you should definitely look into the existing possibilities more closely with the help of AI experts who work with this technology, - those possibilities may well exceed your expectations.

Disclaimer: The present article reflects solely the subjective viewpoint and findings of the SYTOSS AI Development Team on the topics, covered herein and does not represent advice to buy or not to buy, or use or not to use any software product or technology. The above article provides some generic information on how Face Recognition technology can be used by businesses to improve their operations. It lies solely in your responsibility to make sure that all the appropriate laws and regulations are observed by you when you use it for this purpose.