Published: Apr 9, 2021

Educational statistics about IT universities in Ukraine may be useful for making a decision on IT outsourcing to Ukraine. Despite the popularity of IT outsourcing, companies face the necessity to manage certain risks when they contract away IT needs of their business. Digital transformation helps stay focused on doing their core business, automate and speed up processes, eliminate possible errors and predict systematic issues. However, the selection of an IT outsourcing location and an IT provider to contract with is a sensitive issue. A company expects to get IT services and avoid headaches. Knowing the level of education in a considered country may help an IT outsourcing customer to put in one more piece in a picture of a chosen IT location’s business environment.

Why is education important for IT?

People who tend to learn new things drive progress. The desire to get to the bottom of every matter and any task is the essence of innovations. As far as IT business needs are very often about modernization, automation and innovations, IT university graduates will cope with IT projects better for the whole scope of reasons.

  • Education is the key to turning the weakness of business processes into the strength of software solutions to substitute manual work with automation.
  • In IT universities, experts learn how to find different approaches and apply tools and to solve problems, improving decision-making and analytical skills.
  • Education promotes digital transformations, as IT university graduates stand for progress. Education powers change in the business tasks accomplishment and brings stability by minimizing risks and errors.
  • Students of IT university learn how to communicate, connect and collaborate with different people. Education helps exchange ideas, share knowledge and look for best practices to implement them in IT business projects.
  • Access to education in IT universities guarantees that in case a contractor’s business will scale up, outsourcing IT services providers can extend the development team from the expert pool available in the country.

To illustrate the impact of education, let’s introduce some statistical data. Usually, the education level influences the income level directly. Analysts from Statista compared incomes in the USA by educational attainment and revealed that university graduates earn from $100K and up to $162K yearly.

Median income by the educational degree in current U.S. dollars

Total ITO

According to OECD statistics, the better half of people with higher education get full-time jobs, 68% on average, approximately 19% are employed part-time and the rest 14% do not work.

Percentage of full-time, part-time and no employment for people with tertiary education

Demands And Expectations

The World Bank reports 100% literacy rate in Ukraine with high scores on Math, Reading and Science. In 2021, the Ukrainian government will spend 6.6% of GDP on education and claims to keep increasing expenditures on education next year.

Education indicators in Ukraine, by the World Bank

Outsourcing Objectives
  • Literacy rate: 100%
  • Information Systems and Information Technology
  • Government expenditure: 6.6% of GDP, 12.6% of all expenses
  • Learning outcomes: Math 453 out of 500; Reading 466 out of 500; Science 469 out of 500.

An overview of Ukrainian higher education institutions

Education in Ukraine is based on the time-proven traditions of the first European universities. The accessibility of Ukrainian universities leverages not only local students but also international students worldwide. At the start of the 2020/2021 academic year, Ukraine hosted more than 80 thousand students from 158 countries.

Ukraine inherited the education system from former state formations and adopted and grew it to real-life conditions. First universities in Ukraine appeared in the late sixteenth century. Most of the Ukrainian universities were established in the nineteenth century. The oldest still working higher education institutions are the National University of Ostroh Academy, established in 1581, the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy became a higher education institution in 1658, but established in 1615, and the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv established in 1661. Higher education is not compulsory in Ukraine. It follows 9-12 years of pre-primary, primary and secondary compulsory education. There are private and public universities in Ukraine. The educational system in Ukraine offers loyalty programs for choosing and entering university for school graduates with the highest scores achieved in national exams. Students can get a scholarship from the university and from the government. The average age of tertiary students is 17-21. Studies usually start in September and last until May or June. Internship and postgraduate studies may start any time of the year. In 2019/2020, 250,100 students have entered Ukrainian universities, and 333,600 students have graduated from Ukrainian higher education institutions.

Ukrainian Universities are listed in global universities rankings and ratings. The Times Higher Education Impact Rankingsincluded 11 universities from Ukraine with ranks from 201-300, 401-600 and above 600, 70% of them are technical universities. Only 7 Ukrainian universities are mentioned in QS World University Rankings, their ranks start from 477, and all of them prepare technical specialists, including IT professionals. Only two universities from Ukraine have made it onto the U.S. News Best Global Universities list, with a score starting from 32.7.

The ranking of IT universities in Ukraine

Ukraine is one of the popular IT outsourcing locations for contractors, holding 20th place in the world. The share of IT specialists in relation to other professions is 12-14% in Ukraine. Among 281 universities in Ukraine, 163 are private, and 213 of them offer to learn Information technology branches. Students prefer to study the following popular IT specialties in Ukrainian IT universities:

  • Software Engineering
  • Information Systems and Information Technology
  • Cybersecurity
  • Computing Engineering
  • Computer Science and
  • System Analysis.

Ukrainian students may apply for IT universities on the competitive basis of the scores of the national assessment, while other students take entrance exams. The most popular IT universities receive more applications, so the competition rate is higher, and a higher score of the national assessment is required for the application.

The top ten list of IT universities in Ukraine

1. Ukrainian Catholic University (Lviv). Founded in 1929.

Catholic University

IT specialties: Computer Science, System Analysis.

2. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Founded in 1834.

Taras Shevchenko National University

IT specialties: Data Science, Math, Computer Science, Software Engineering , System Analysis, Cybersecurity, Computer Engineering, Applied Physics and Nanomaterials , Information Systems and Information Technology, Telecommunication and Radioelectronics, Electronic Engineering.

3. Lviv Polytechnic National University. Founded in 1816.

Lviv Polytechnic National University

IT specialties: Software Engineering, Computer Science, Data Science, System Analysis, Computer Engineering, Information Systems and Information Technology, Automation and Computer-Integrated Technology, Cybersecurity, Telecommunication and Radioelectronics Electronic Engineering.

4. National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. Founded in 1615.

National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy

IT specialties: Data Science, Computer Science, Software Engineering.

5. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. Founded in 1661.

Ivan Franko National University

IT specialties: Data Science, System Analysis, Computer Science, Math, Applied Physics and Nanomaterials, Software Engineering, Information Systems and Information Technology, Cybersecurity.

6. National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”. Founded in 1898.

National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

IT specialties: Data Science, Information Systems and Information Technology, Software Engineering, Computer Science, System Analysis, Computer Engineering, Applied Physics and Nanomaterials, Cybersecurity, Math, Automation and Computer-Integrated Technology, Telecommunication and Radioelectronics, Electronic Engineering.

7. Sumy State University. Founded in 1948.

Sumy State University

IT specialties: Data Science, Computer Science, Cybersecurity, Automation and Computer-Integrated Technology, Electronic Engineering, Telecommunication and Radioelectronics.

8. Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics. Founded in 1930.

Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

IT specialties: Software Engineering, Computer Science, Data Science, System Analysis, Automation and Computer-Integrated Technology, Cybersecurity, Information Systems and Information Technology, Telecommunication and Radioelectronics, Electronic Engineering.

9. V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Founded in 1804.

V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

IT specialties: Data Science, Math, Computer Science, Applied Physics and Nanomaterials, Automation and Computer-Integrated Technology, Cybersecurity, Computer Engineering.

10. Chernivtsi National University. Founded in 1875.

Chernivtsi National University

IT specialties: Data Science, System Analysis, Math, Software Engineering, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Telecommunication and Radioelectronics, Information Systems and Information Technology, Cybersecurity, Electronic Engineering, Applied Physics and Nanomaterials.

The most popular IT universities in Ukraine are located in the cities that are the biggest Ukrainian IT outsourcing hubs: Kyiv, Kharkiv, Lviv. However, IT universities are available in every region of Ukraine, which ensures that Ukrainian IT outsourcing providers have access to the talents’ pool. IT universities are warrants of the capability to scale an IT project, enhance a team.

Kharkiv is the best city for education in Ukraine

Ukrainian IT experts' association has interviewed developers to score Ukrainian cities by several parameters, like business environment, infrastructure, education, and others. And Kharkiv stands first by the number of educational institutions and the quality of education, including universities, preparing IT professionals.

Among almost two dozens of IT universities in Kharkiv, the following five institutions enter different Ukrainian and international listings and ratings.

  • Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics
  • V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
  • Kharkiv National Aerospace University
  • National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute
  • Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics.

Top five IT Universities in Ukraine by IT specialties, the number of applications and assessment scores

Computer science

  1. Ukrainian Catholic University
  2. Lviv Polytechnic National University
  3. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
  4. Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics
  5. National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy

Software Engineering

  1. Lviv Polytechnic National University
  2. Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics
  3. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
  4. National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy
  5. Academy National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”


  1. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
  2. Sumy State University
  3. Lviv Polytechnic National University
  4. National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
  5. V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Computer Engineering

  1. Lviv Polytechnic National University
  2. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
  3. National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
  4. Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics
  5. Chernivtsi National University

IT universities in Ukraine welcome students to join postgraduate studies and issue certificates of corresponding degrees.

Cooperation of Ukrainian IT universities and IT companies

To keep up with the times and don’t miss modern technology trends, IT universities cooperate with Ukrainian IT companies. Students are offered internship programs to get experience in implementing IT projects for real businesses.

Ukrainian IT community forms various organizations intended for different purposes. Ukraine hosts many conferences, including international ones. IT specialists from Ukraine take part in many hackathons and masterclasses.

IT associations in Ukraine

To help a country grow a healthy business environment for IT outsourcing is the mission of IT Ukraine Association.

Local IT communities in major Ukrainian cities, where IT companies are concentrated, unite in IT Clusters to hold events, solve local problems. Up to now, there are such IT clusters in 5 cities: Kyiv, Kharkiv, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Vinnytsia.

Developers of Ukraine is a website where IT experts may get information on the Ukrainian IT market, chat, find some knowledge or share experience, and even look for a job.

IT Conferences in Ukraine

Social events are the best place for networking, knowledge, cases and experience sharing. Ukrainian IT universities very often are partners of such IT events. At events, IT universities introduce a higher education institution, or present the result of postgraduate studies, or validate the idea. The following list includes some popular events that engage participants from other countries.

  • IT tech conferences for developers Fwdays.
  • .NET Fest is an international event focusing on .NET development topics.
  • An IT event with a global outlook and scale is IT Arena.
  • i Forum is dedicated to Web.
  • Games Gathering is an international gaming conference.
  • Internet- marketing event 8P.
  • Analyze! is an event for analytics.
  • A worldwide Java conference is called Devoxx Ukraine.
  • A product development event Saas Nation.
  • KIEF is an international forum about global business trends.

In-house IT schools and courses

Along with licensed and affiliated higher education institutions, some international IT corporations have in-house IT schools. Complementing plenty of educational spots offering IT courses, webinars, masterclasses, many IT companies support knowledge sharing. Such in-house IT universities or private IT schools and courses are sometimes a good starting point for a non-tech IT specialist. However, IT tech experts may add some soft skills or get specific practical knowledge. Let’s name a few more educational resources supported by big IT corporations in Ukraine.

  • EPAM offers a worldwide training platform
  • Global Logic works out a variety of educational programs.
  • P2H supports a free online school for web developers.
  • SoftServe established an online IT university for those who start IT careers.

Here at SYTOSS, we also offer several courses for students, postgraduates and undergraduates. For example, this year we’ve launched Java, .NET development and QA automation courses. Our IT experts teach best practices and tips and tricks of technology implementation. For those who managed to finish our intensive courses, we offer to continue cooperation and join our team.

What else to read about IT outsourcing in Ukraine

On our Blog, we have the whole category for IT outsourcing articles in which we raise essential topics and questions about IT outsourcing. We offer you to check out the list and choose one more piece of content to scroll through.

Summing up the theme of IT universities in Ukraine

Knowing the situation with IT education helps IT outsourcing contractors to eliminate risks, ensure their business growth and scaling in a long-term perspective.

If we look at IT education in Ukraine from an IT outsourcing customer’s point of view, we may conclude that Ukraine possesses a sustainable, ground network of IT universities. The capability to prepare well-skilled tech experts is time-proven, as the history of Ukrainian universities starts from the late 16th century. Higher education institutions in Ukraine are affordable for local students and their educational potential is complemented by private IT schools and courses. In collaboration and cooperation with IT companies, IT universities ensure their students get access to modern technologies and best practices.

IT Universities in Ukraine in Numbers

IT outsourcing centers

IT outsourcing centers

Tertiary education 2019-2020

Tertiary education 2019-2020

Time-proven educational traditions

Time-proven educational traditions

Time-proven educational traditions

Time-proven educational traditions

IT specialities

IT specialities

Top IT Universities

Top IT Universities

SYTOSS, as a full-cycle and full-stack IT services provider, offers internships for IT university students, cooperates with universities supporting postgraduates studies and modern technology development. For our clients, we provide services of software development, business and system analysis, digital transformation, automation and application integration and we used to build long-term relations with our customers. As long as you managed to read it to the end and get here, you could contact us. Let’s discuss how to reach your business goals with the help of our IT expertise.