Our clients

Define your software project needs with a careful business and system analysis

Do you need to build usable and understandable software?

Enter the business analysis phase of software development with our skillful team.

Look for sustainable progress of your software solution?

We are seniors in full-cycle business analysis and cooperate with corporations.

Lack a team to organize and promote your needs?

We apply business analysis practices to gain an in-depth understanding of the needs.

Need to put in order your software project docs?

Our business analysts communicate about your needs and document requirements.

Want to get ready for the changes caused by new regulations?

To meet new times, we validate your business software and adjust the transition requirements.
An image of a diagram showing growth.
Face Recognition
Quality Assurance
An image of a business bag.

Actuate your software development with business and system analysis

Our business and system analysts may complement your dedicated tech experts and assist your business to cope with the profile of your specific requirements.

Apply business analysis to make your business software efficient

Business analysis ensures a stable basis for your software development. We offer mature BA experts with decades of proficiency to serve your projects.

Business and system analysis bring life to every software project

All-inclusive business and system analysis services for competent software development

We provide our clients with a broad range of business analysis approaches and techniques to help translate needs into requirements and turn requirements into tailored software.

Requirements elicitation

Checkdocument analysis
Checkfocus groups
Checkrequirement workshops
Checkinterface analysis

Enterprise analysis

Checkbusiness rules analysis
Checkroot cause analysis
Checkfunctional decomposition
Checkvendor assessment

Requirements prioritization

Checkbusiness rules analysis
Checkfunctional decomposition
Checkorganization modeling
Checkprocess modeling
Checkscope modeling
Checkdecision analysis
CheckMoSCoW analysis
Checkrisk analysis
Checkstructured walkthrough

Requirements documentation

Checkuse cases
Checkuser stories with acceptance criteria
Checkmockups preparing
Checkdata dictionary and glossary
Checkproblem tracking
Checkcoverage matrix
Checkkey performance indicators
Checknon-functional requirements analysis
Checkdata flow diagrams
Checkdata modeling
Checkstate diagrams
Checksequence diagrams
Tell us your project ideas
Negotiate, analyze and make an offer
Engage analysts in your project
Empower your development team with BA
Build software under BA support
Take care of payrolls. HR, operations and processes
Plan further project growth
Assign BA to get you ready for any changes
Deliver your software
Validate and assess your solution progress

Structure your software development with a business analysis partner

Talented, seasoned, versatile engineers can join your software development activities and make your outsourcing resource, time and nerve effective.

Have questions?

We’d be delighted to hear from you, provide more information or discuss how we can be of assistance.

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Leave your message about an IT project you want to form a dedicated team for and we will contact you as soon as possible.

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Drop us a note about software you want to develop with our dedicated engineers and we will book a video meeting in the shortest time.


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Complete your software development needs with business analysis

To deliver a sustainable software solution, a business needs to know what hides in-depth of it. Business and system analysis help companies define the scope.

Business analysts enable your industry demands, business processes and users requirements to be implemented in software.