We Can Develop a Premium-Quality Java Application for You from Scratch, Regardless of How Complex or Large-Scale It Is Planned to Be

We are a well-established Java application development company that caters to some of Western Europe’s largest Telco companies and major Western technology firms. Over the years, we have implemented scores of highly demanding enterprise and other Java application development projects.

How Are We Going to Implement Your Java Application Development Project?

Your needs are at the core of any software outsourcing arrangement, and their in-depth understanding by the development team is crucial to your project's success.

We need to know a lot not only to develop your Java app well but also to be able to give you a precise estimate. Often, the subtle details, lurking behind the generic terms, increase the estimate amount manifold. That is why, we, usually, bring a qualified Business Analyst into play and converse with our clients at length, guiding them to a comprehensive and exhaustive set of project requirements.

We involve a Java Architect to lay a robust and optimal foundation for the Java application to be built. We keep you posted on the progress of your Java application development effort at regular intervals, agreed upon with you.

The above approach allows us to receive all the required ingredients for making a precise estimate, the accuracy of which can be guaranteed contractually and will enable you to plan your project budget a lot more efficiently.

Our Java Application Development Service Level Agreement Includes:

Accuracy of</br>the Estimate

Accuracy of
the Estimate

A statement of our commitment to ensure high accuracy of the estimate we will provide. The Java app development estimation process will start with the Business Analysis stage that will be handled by first-rate BA experts.


We guarantee free-of-charge after-sale support stipulated contractually. Any bugs that may be present, including critical and time-consuming ones, will be fixed by us gratis in 6 months following the project's delivery.


We care of strict confidentiality of all your project-related information, ensured through several easily enforced legal agreements that are signed with each one of our Java software engineers.
 IP</br>Protection and Security

Protection and Security

Our extra focus is the protection of your intellectual property (IP) rights, physical safety and technical security of all of your data, and a robust technical infrastructure supporting the Java application development process.


Let’s discuss your IT needs, so we could provide you with business-specific partnership possibilities.

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